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We Are All Alone With Ourselves: The Tragic Villains of <i>Batman: The Animated Series</i>


An image of Batman silhouetted against an orange sky from the opening credits of Batman: The Animated Series

We Are All Alone With Ourselves: The Tragic Villains of Batman: The Animated Series

Comment number: 17
Book covers of Christopher Pike's Tales of Terror and Tales of Terror 2

The Perils of Time Traveling Teens: More From Christopher Pike’s Tales of Terror

Comment number: 0
Photograph of rows of paperback books, seen from above.

Four Things I Miss From the Golden Age of Paperbacks

Comment number: 87
Book covers of RL Stine's The Stepsister and The Stepsister 2

Sibling Rivalry and Attempted Murder: The Stepsister and The Stepsister 2

Comment number: 2
Book covers of ten classic SFF titles

Ten Classic Books I Read as a Teen That Still Hold Up

Comment number: 24
The Babylon 5 space station from the TV series Babylon 5

Babylon 5 Was the Ultimate Exercise in Plotting vs. Pantsing

Comment number: 28
Book cover of The Mall by Richie Tankersley Cusick

Shopping Montages and Food Court Terrors: Richie Tankersley Cusick’s The Mall

Comment number: 1
Book covers of R.L. Stine's First Date and Diane Hoh's Last Date

Killer Romance: First Date and Last Date 

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Book covers of 10 science fiction novels first published in 1973

The Golden Age of SF (But Not the One You’re Thinking Of)

Comment number: 28

Buckle Up: Hit and Run and Driver’s Dead

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Not So Happy New Year: R.L. Stine’s The New Year’s Party 

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You Better Watch Out: Killer Santas in Slay Bells and Secret Santa

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