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Read an Excerpt From Ana Ellickson&#8217;s <i>The Vanishing Station</i>


Photo of author Alexis Henderson and the cover of the upcoming novel An Academy for Liars

Revealing An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson

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Cover of The Vanishing Station, depicting a golden tunnel surrounded by woods, with train tracks leading over water to a bridge.

Read an Excerpt From Ana Ellickson’s The Vanishing Station

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Cover of Five Broken Blades, showing five blades against a red background

Read an Excerpt From Mai Corland’s Five Broken Blades

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Cover of Immortal Pleasures by V. Castro

Read an Excerpt From V. Castro’s Immortal Pleasures

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Cover of The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir

Read an Excerpt From Hildur Knútsdóttir’s The Night Guest

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Photo of author Fran Wilde alongside text announcing her new book A Philosophy of Thieves with Erewhon Books

Erewhon Announces A Philosophy of Thieves by Fran Wilde— Read an Exclusive Excerpt Here!

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Cover of Saint-Seducing Gold by Brittany N. Williams

Read an Excerpt From Brittany N. Williams’ Saint-Seducing Gold

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Photo of author Sophie White alongside text announcing her new book Where I End, Fall 2024 with Erewhon Books

Erewhon Announces Where I End by Sophie White — Read an Exclusive Excerpt Here!

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Author photo of Robert de la Chevotiere, alongside text announcing his new book Tall Is Her Body from Erewhon Books

Erewhon Announces Tall Is Her Body by Robert de la Chevotière — Read an Exclusive Excerpt Here!

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Photo of author Alex Gonzalez and text announcing his new book REKT, Fall 2025 with Erewhon Books

Erewhon Announces rekt by Alex Gonzalez — Read an Exclusive Excerpt Here!

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The cover of Call Forth a Fox by Markelle Grabo

Read an Excerpt From Markelle Grabo’s Call Forth a Fox

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Cover of Sound the Gong by Joan He

Read an Excerpt From Joan He’s Sound the Gong

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